
发布时间:2015-06-25 作者:丁丽萍,岳晓萌,李彦峰

[摘要] 对应移动数字取证技术的4个方面:移动设备取证、移动系统取证、移动网络取证和移动应用取证,给出了移动设备取证的步骤和手段,基于iOS和Android系统的数字取证技术及其特点,移动网络下数字取证的基本手段和技术,移动应用取证的基本特征;认为随着越来越多的新概念和新技术的发展,未来智能移动终端数字取证技术将成为数字取证的主流之一。

[关键词] 智能移动终端;数字取证;移动取证;网络犯罪

[Abstract] In this paper, we suggest that current smart mobile digital forensics technology can be categorized as: mobile device forensics technology, mobile systems forensics technology, mobile network forensics, technology, and mobile application forensics technology. In terms of mobile device forensics, we propose the procedure and technology of mobile devices forensics. In terms of mobile systems forensics, we propose the digital forensics technology and features of iOS and Android mobile system. In terms of mobile network forensics, we propose the basic digital forensics method and technology under mobile network. In terms of mobile applications forensics, we propose the basic features of mobile applications forensics. According to the article, with more and more new concepts and new technology development, in the future, the smart mobile terminal digital forensics technology will be one of the mainstream of digital forensics.

[Keywords] smart mobile terminal; digital forensics; mobile forensics; cyber crime