
发布时间:2015-06-25 作者:范红,杜大海,王冠

[摘要] 探讨了移动互联网安全测评的5个重要方面:物理安全、移动智能终端安全、网络安全、应用安全和网络安全管理;给出了具体的测评指导内容;认为窃听、恶意吸费、信息窃取、位置信息泄漏、金融窃取等安全事件频发,移动互联网的安全问题严重威胁到国家安全、金融安全、社会稳定和人民的根本利益,采取相应措施来保障移动互联网的安全必须得到高度重视。

[关键词] 移动互联网;信息安全;风险评估;安全测评

[Abstract] In this paper, we discuss five key areas of mobile internet security testing: physical security, mobile terminals’ security, network security, application security and network security management. Detailed test guidance is given in this paper. The security problem of mobile internet has attracted much attention. Sniffing, malicious charge, information theft, position leakage, financial stealing and other security incidents occur frequently. Security of the mobile Internet affects national security, financial security, social stabilization and people's interest. Therefore, some measures need to be carried out for the security of Mobile Internet.

[Keywords] mobile Internet; information security; risk assessment; security test