
发布时间:2015-06-25 作者:何昱晨,石文昌

[摘要] 基于Android移动客户端为研究平台,选取一种云为研究对象,对用户通过云Android客户端访问云端数据时在客户端留下的痕迹进行了研究;研究结果表明,在手机上存在访问云端数据的痕迹,从这些痕迹中能够提取与用户以及云相关的元信息,并且能从中推断部分用户行为。

[关键词] 云数据安全;移动客户端;安卓;访问行为;痕迹

[Abstract] With an Android mobile client as a research platform and a cloud as the research object, we explore the traces of access behavior left on the client side when a user accesses data stored on the cloud through an Android mobile client. The result of our research shows that traces of cloud data exist on the smart phone. We can extract the metadata of the user and a cloud and infer user behaviors from those traces.

[Keywords] cloud data security; mobile client; Android; access behavior; trace