
发布时间:2015-10-28 作者:岳玉,曹可建,郭亮

[摘要] 提出了数据中心在制冷、供配电和ICT设备等方面的绿色技术,并指出通过对xUE系列指标的分析可以了解PUE参数的局限性。认为能源使用效率(PUE)并不是追求的最终目标,但不会影响对于绿色技术的创新和使用。指出未来需要不断加大技术、标准和政策等各方面的投入力度,才能逐步实现中国数据中心的绿色健康发展。

[关键词] 制冷;供配电;ICT设备;PUE 绿色技术

[Abstract] This paper proposes some green technologies for cooling, power supply and distribution, and ICT equipment in Internet data center (IDC). By analyzing the configurations of xUE, the limitation of PUE can be clearly shown. PUE (power usage effectiveness) is not the ultimate goal that we pursue, but will not affect our innovation and use of green technology. In the future, we should increase the support for such technologies, standards, and policies to realize the high energy efficient development of IDCs.

[Keywords] cooling;power supply and distribution;ICT equipment;PUE green technology

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