
发布时间:2015-10-28 作者:胡留军,许进

[摘要] 将机会调度模式引入嵌套码体系,通过各个收发节点与中继节点的信道状况自适应调整嵌套码的码速率,可以增加信道状况好的链路传输的数据量,提升无线网络的整体吞吐量。仿真结果表明,相比传统非机会调度嵌套码而言,机会调度嵌套码能够有效提升网络吞吐量和误比特性能。

[关键词] 中继系统;嵌套码;机会调度;吞吐量;误比特率

[Abstract] This paper introduces the concept of opportunistic scheduling in a nested coding system. In this scheme, adaptive rate nested codes are used according to channel conditions in order to increase the transmission load of the link while maintaining a good channel condition. In this way, network capacity is no longer constrained by the worst link, and the overall throughput of wireless networks is increased. Simulation shows that compared to traditional non-opportunistic scheduling nested coding, opportunistic scheduling nested coding increases throughput and reliability of single relay multicast relay networks.

[Keywords] relay system; nested codes; opportunistic scheduling; throughout; bit error rate

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