
发布时间:2015-10-28 作者:沈彬,李硕,孟然

[摘要] 提出了针对在不同场景下在移动终端上显示移动转售企业标识的解决方案:在开机界面显示需要转售企业提出需求,由终端厂商配合完成;在开机问候语中显示需要用户识别(SIM)卡和终端的支持,并在SIM卡中进行设置;在终端状态栏显示需要SIM卡配置,并建议出台相关标准;在终端软件中显示需要有准确的数据来源,能够实时更新和正确显示。

[关键词] 移动终端;移动转售;标识;用户识别卡

[Abstract] In this paper, according to different scenarios, we propose the solutions for displaying mobile resale business logos on mobile terminals. If it is displayed in the startup interface, the resale business needs to cooperate with terminal manufactures. If it is displayed in the welcome greeting interface, the SIM card and terminal should be supported, and the SIM card needs to be set up. If it is displayed in the status bar of the terminal, the SIM card needs to be configured, and the relevant standards are recommended. If it is displayed in the software of the terminal, accurate data source is needed and should be updated on time.

[Keywords] mobile terminals; mobile resale; LOGO; SIM card

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