
发布时间:2018-09-18 作者:赵福川,温建中

[摘要] 研究了5G回传网的新型切片分组网络架构和关键技术。在结合分段路由、以太虚拟专用网(EVPN)技术和L3到边缘部署方案的基础上提出极简IP网络技术,还研究了切片技术、新型光模块技术、网络自动化在5G回传网络中的应用。提出将这些新技术有机融合在一起的新型自动化5G回传网络架构,为5G回传网络的技术发展和网络建设提供重要依据。

[关键词] 5G承载;回传;FlexE;分段路由;EVPN;网络切片;软件定义网络(SDN)

[Abstract] The new slicing packet network infrastructure and key technologies for 5G backhaul network are introduced in this paper. Integrating the segment routing, Ethernet virtual private network (EVPN) technology and L3 to edge deployment scheme, the minimized IP network technology is proposed. Meanwhile, the application of slicing technology, new optical module technology and network automation in 5G backhaul network are studied. Then a new automatic 5G backhaul network architecture which organically integrates these new technologies is put forward. And this architecture provides an important basis for 5G backhaul technology development and network construction.

[Keywords] 5G bearing; backhaul; FlexE; segment routing; EVPN; network slicing; software defined network (SDN)

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