Emerging Technologies of High Capacity Optical Access Network for Mobile Fronthaul
LI Longsheng, HU Weisheng
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Abstract: To meet the requirement of the high-speed and low-cost fronthaul transmission for the future radio access network, a novel digital equalization technology and a new modulation coding scheme for the fronthaul-carrying passive optical network (PON) are proposed, and a data compression scheme for the fiber-based enhanced common public radio interface (eCPRI) is designed. The proposed intensity-directed feed forward equalizer can effectively remove the system nonlinearity at low computational cost. For the CPRI compression, given the significance diversity of quantized bits, the uneven 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) is adopted to reinforce the transmission robustness. As for the uplink eCPRI, the load-adaptive flexible quantization scheme is proposed to reduce quantization resolution, thereby enhancing the transmission efficiency of eCPRI.
Keywords: fronthaul; radio access network; passive optical network; digital signal processing; data compression; enhanced common public radio interface