1. 北京瀚诺半导体科技有限公司
3. 网络通信与安全紫金山实验室
摘要:同轴电缆网络是中国信息基础设施的重要组成部分,具备传输容量大、入户率高、室内接口广泛等优势。基于高性能同轴电缆网络(HINOC)的光纤同轴混合接入技术可以充 分发挥同轴电缆优势,提供高速、可靠、可管理运维的入户管道,并可以在室内进行渗透组建家庭互联网络,支撑多种场景的业务部署和应用。
The Hybrid Fiber Coaxial Access Technology for Multi-Application Scenarios
ZHAO Hui1,3, LIU Yue1,3, ZHANG Cheng2
1. Beijing Hannuo Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
2. State Key Laboratory on Advanced Optical Communication Systems & Networks, Peking University
3. Purple Mountain Network Communications and Security Laboratory
Abstract: Due to the advantages of large channel capacity and high household penetration rate, coaxial cable network is one of the important components of China’s information infrastructure. The hybrid fiber coaxial access technology based on High performance Network Over Coax(HINOC) can fully utilize the advantages of coaxial cable, and change it to a high-speed, reliable and manageable communication pipeline. This technology can be used to establish an excellent performance access network or home Internet, which supports multi-application scenarios.
Keywords: passive optical network; HINOC; quality of service (QoS); channel equalization; network management