摘要:50 G无源光网络(PON)已经成为下一代光接入网的主要技术。该技术的实现有多种技术途径,采用高阶调制4电平脉冲幅度调制(PAM4)技术和不归零码(NRZ)技术是最重要的2种实现方式。采用高阶调制PAM4技术,可以降低对光芯片的带宽要求,降低光芯片的成本,但需要额外增加具有数字信号处理功能的电芯片。采用NRZ技术,则不需要增加其他功能的电芯片,但需要使用高带宽的激光器和探测器光芯片,这种高带宽的光芯片开发难度大,成本高。
关键词:下一代光接入网;50 G PON;PAM4;NRZ
Core Optoelectronic Chip Technology for Next Generation Optical Access Network
ZTE Corporation
Abstract: 50 G passive optical network (PON) has became the main technology for the next generation of optical access network, and there are many technical approaches to implement 50 G PON. High order modulation 4 pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) and non-return to zero (NRZ) are the most important technologies of 50 G PON implementation. By using high-order modulation PAM4 technology, the bandwidth requirement and the cost of optical can be reduced, but the electric chip with digital signal processing function needs to be added. NRZ technology does not need to add electrical chips with other functions, but needs to use high-bandwidth lasers and detector optical chips, the development of which is difficult and costly.
Keywords: next-generation optical access network; 50 G PON; PAM4; NRZ