Fiber-Wireless Integrated Reliable Access Network for Mobile Fronthaul Using Synclastic Uniform Circular Array with Dual-Mode OAM Multiplexing

Release Date:2020-03-20 Author:XU Yusi, WU Xingbang, YANG Guomin, and CHI Nan

Fiber-Wireless Integrated Reliable Access Network for Mobile Fronthaul Using Synclastic Uniform Circular Array with Dual-Mode OAM Multiplexing


XU Yusi, WU Xingbang, YANG Guomin, and CHI Nan

(Fudan University, Shanghai 430074, China )


Abstract: We propose an access network that integrates fiber and wireless for mobile fronthaul (MFH) with simple protection capabilities, using dual-mode orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing. We experimentally demonstrate a 3.35 Gbit/s DMT-32QAM pre-equalized system with 10 km and 15 km fiber links in the 5.9 GHz band; then there is a link of two channels with a 0.5 m wireless link.
Keywords: OAM; fiber-wireless integrated access network

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