A Survey on Network Operation and Maintenance Quality Evaluation Models

Release Date:2020-03-20 Author:LIU Lixia, WU Muyang, JI Feng, and LIU Zheng

A Survey on Network Operation and Maintenance Quality Evaluation Models


LIU Lixia1, WU Muyang2, JI Feng1, and LIU Zheng2

(1. ZTE Corporation, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210012, China;
2. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China)


Abstract: The evaluation of network operation and maintenance quality is an important reference for carriers to improve their service. However, the traditional evaluation methods involve so much human participation that it cannot cope with the explosive amount of data. Therefore, both the major carriers and researchers are trying to find solutions to evaluate the quality of network operation and maintenance more objectively and accurately. In this paper, we analyze the general process of quality evaluation models for network operation and maintenance. The process has four steps: 1) selection of evaluation indicators; 2) data process for chosen indicators; 3) determination of indicator weights; 4) establishment of evaluation models. We further describe the working principle of each step, especially the methods for indicator selection and weight determination. Finally, we review the recently proposed evaluation models and the international standards of network operation and maintenance quality evaluation.
Keywords: quality evaluation; network operation and maintenance; quality of service; indicator selection; weight determination

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