ZTE launches RCS-based video call solution

Release Time:2017-03-03
ZTE launches RCS-based video call solution - ZTE Press Release

ZTE launches RCS-based video call solution

Date:2017-03-03 ZTE Click:870

3 March 2017, Shenzhen, China – ZTE Corporation (0763.HK / 000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, today unveiled its rich communication services (RCS)-based video call solution to deliver an enhanced viewing experience to homes around the world. Based on a RCS platform and providing a stable video communication experience, the solution has been praised for its innovative performance by participating operators.

RCS is the best choice today for operators to improve the user experience for calls and messaging, and to upgrade traditional value-added services (VAS), for example, from a traditional call centre to an interactive voice and video response (IVVR) system. ZTE’s RCS provides enhanced communication, unified entrance and openness capabilities.

RCS-based video call can support multi-point 1080p (Full HD) video communication both on TV screens and mobile screens. The high performance connection will be more stable and convenient to use.

As global broadband and video services rapidly develop in 2017, a positive customer experience will be a growing priority. In order for service providers (SPs) to keep growth in the 4K wave, RCS-based video call is a good choice for significantly improving users’ video quality-of-experience (V-QoE) and generating profit for operators. Fang Hui, ZTE’s vice president, said that RCS-based video call has become an important part of “ZTE’s Big Video solution” and has helped to consolidate its leading position in the global market.