ZTE Corporation, the fastest growing global provider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions, today announced it has become the first telecom equipment provider with the capability to successfully deploy All-IP CDMA2000 solutions based on the IOS V5.0 standard for commercial use worldwide.
ZTE´s All-IP CDMA2000 solution offers carriers several advantages including vocoder savings, large savings on transmission costs, better QoS (Quality of Service) and improved voice quality. In addition, the All-IP solution is based on IOS V5.0 standards that ease any multi-vendor interoperability issues and enable the operator to make a smooth migration to IMS.
ZTE´s All-IP based product has already passed stringent tests and evaluations of the advanced IOS V5.0 based Ap interface offering TrFO (Transcoder Free Operation) and RTO (Remote Transcoder Operation) functions by Reliance Infocomm, the largest CDMA provider in India, and has been successfully deployed for commercial use in China and Sri Lanka.
"This innovative All-IP infrastructure will allow carriers to reduce their CapEx and OpEx, enabling them to extend their savings to the end-user. Not many vendors around the world today have the ability to offer All-IP CDMA, or have it included in their roadmap," said Mr. Zhao Xianming, general manager of ZTE´s CDMA business division, "ZTE is the first to offer All-IP CDMA2000 based on IOS V5.0 and it is gratifying to know that ZTE is helping the telecom world with these ground-breaking solutions."
ZTE´s unique All-IP CDMA2000 and GoTa technologies are currently deployed in nearly 60 countries by over 100 operators with a global capacity of more than 30 million lines.
ZTE has already introduced its digital trunking system GoTa (Global open Trunking architecture) offering enhanced push-to-talk services based on CDMA2000 technology. GoTa systems have been implemented globally including in Norway, Russia, Brazil and Malaysia. ZTE-patented GoTa technology has also been licensed to major telecoms equipment companies worldwide.
Media Contact:
Ni Haiyang
ZTE Corporation
Tel: +86 755 26775207
Email: ni.haiyang@zte.com.cn