
发布时间:2025-01-23 作者:高巍,高静,杨哲




Abstract: Based on the requirements of AI technology and business on data communication networks, this paper first analyzes the problems of the existing networks in three scenarios: data access for computing, interconnection of intelligent computing centers, and large-scale AI training. The key technology innovation of "access-artificial intelligence data center", "inter-artificial intelligence data center" and "intra-artificial intelligence data center" networks are then illustrated, including the business innovation exploration of "access-artificial intelligence data center" networks, the architecture innovation of "inter-artificial intelligence data center" networks around the Ethernet technology, and the technical improvement of "intra-artificial intelligence data center" networks from IT, IP, and the optical layer. After that, a 4-layer network architecture is proposed, including the operation layer, network control layer, service connection layer, and physical network layer, to optimize the data communication network. We believe that reasonable promotion of industrial development requires orderly planning of standardization research and progressive pilot verification of key technologies.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; data communication network; access-artificial intelligence data center network; inter-artificial intelligence data center network; intra-artificial intelligence data center network


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