
发布时间:2025-01-23 作者:马晨昊,孙吉斌,解冲锋

摘要:针对传统虚拟以太网组网技术的封装开销大、组网范围有限和数据面能力较弱等问题,提出了一种新的直接基于IPv6协议承载的虚拟以太网组网方案。该方案可以使以太网帧直接封装在IPv6报文的负荷上,通过标识映射的方式利用以太网标识和网内主机链路层地址生成IPv6地址,并且选用IPv6地址前缀作为路由信息和站点标识,既标识站点的逻辑位置,又使数据包可以通过native IPv6的方式穿越互联网,提升了封装效率和可运维性。现网测试验证了技术的可行性,展现了其在业务敏捷性、覆盖范围和流量转发调度方面的优势。



Abstract: The traditional virtual Ethernet networking technology has the problems of high encapsulation cost, limited network coverage, and weak data plane capability. In this paper, a new virtual Ethernet networking system based on IPv6 protocol is proposed,called IPv6-based ethernet virtual network or EVN6. It can make the Ethernet frame directly encapsulated on the payload of IPv6 packets, generate IPv6 address using the information of the virtual Ethernet and the host by identification mapping, and select the IPv6 prefix as the routing information and site identification, which not only identifies the logical location of the site, but also enables the packet to traverse the Internet through native IPv6. This system improves encapsulation efficiency and operability. The technical feasibility of technology is verified in the field trail test, showing the advantages of business agility, network coverage, and flow forwarding and scheduling.

Keywords: IPv6; virtual Ethernet; identification mapping

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