
发布时间:2025-01-23 作者:韩梦瑶,燕飞,曹畅,庞冉

摘要:面向智能算力与海量数据复杂交互的高性能传输需求,提出了高通量数据网架构及关键技术,通过提高单位带宽下的数据传输体量,解决传统网络传输中遇到的成本高昂和传输时效性差的问题。采用所提架构中的广域流量调度技术、智能管控运维技术、传输协议优化技术、数据压缩与安全保障等关键技术,实现广域网络弹性带宽分配,提升了网络传输通量与效率。在现网环境开展海量数据超3 000 km传输测试,验证高通量数据网架构及关键技术的可行性。



Abstract: A high-goodput data network architecture and key technologies for the high-performance transmission requirements of complex interactions between intelligent computing and large-scale data are proposed. To solve the high cost and poor transmission timing in traditional dedicated networks, the high-goodput data network improve the data transmission volume per bandwidth unit. By adopting key technologies such as wide-area flow scheduling, intelligent operation administration and maintenance, transport protocol optimization, data compression and security, elastic bandwidth allocation of the network is achieved and network transmission efficiency as well as goodput is improved. The transmission measurement of large-scale data over 3 000 km carried out in the existing carrier network to verify the feasibility of the high-goodput data network architecture and key technologies.

Keywords: high-goodput data network; flow scheduling; transport protocol; elastic bandwidth

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