[摘要] 阐述了几种重要的基于翻译的过渡技术,分析了其工作原理、技术特点、主要应用场景以及各技术的优缺点,同时探讨了实际部署基于翻译的IPv6过渡技术应考虑的相关问题。基于翻译的IPv6过渡技术可以延长IPv4使用期限,实现IPv6和IPv4互联互通,能够最大限度地保护投资者利益,确保网络平滑演进与过渡。选择何种过渡方案涉及很多因素,需根据网络特点等具体情况,选择适合的过渡技术。
[关键词] IPv6过渡; 翻译技术; 应用场景
[Abstract] In this paper, we describe several important IPv6 transition technologies based on translation. We describe the working principle, technical characteristics, and advantages and limitations of each technique. We also discuss typical scenarios in which these techniques might be used. IPv6 transition technologies based on translation extend the lifetime of the IPv4 network and allow communication between IPv4 and IPv6. They protect network to the greatest possible extent, and ensure the smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6. When choosing IPv6 transition technologies, many factors need to be taken into account. Transition technologies must be selected according to the network’s individual characteristics.
[Keywords] IPv6 transition; translation technology; application scenarios