
发布时间:2013-09-24 作者:孙志刚,吕高锋,陈一骄

[摘要] 提出了一种基于标签的更加灵活的SDN交换机数据面抽象——LabelCast。LabelCast利用标签交换机制解决SDN交换机中的复杂规则匹配问题,采用Cast程序扩展机制解决交换机转发面的功能可编程问题。LabelCast不但可以简化SDN数据面规则匹配复杂性,还可以通过在数据面加载应用的处理程序支持可编程的数据面功能扩展。

[关键词] 软件定义网络;数据面;抽象

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose a flexible data plane abstraction for software-defined networks. This abstraction is called Labelcast. The complex rule-matching problem can be solved by using label switching mechanisms, and programming the functions of the switch-forwarding plane can be simplified using the Cast program extension mechanism. Labelcast decreases complex rule-matching and supports function extensibility in the data plane of SDN switches.

[Keywords] software-defined networks; data plane; abstraction