
发布时间:2013-09-24 作者:汪军

[摘要] 提出了一种SDN控制器——ZENIC,并给出了其架构。在控制、转发两个层面上,ZENIC 架构主要包括转发抽象层及驱动层、网络操作系统内核层、北向应用编程接口。ZENIC采用了统一的转发抽象层加特定转发驱动、接入和内联网络分层控制的特色架构设计,解决了多种设备接入和复杂网络控制的问题。

[关键词] 软件定义网络;OpenFlow协议;数据中心;未来网络

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose an SDN controller called ZENIC and describe its architecture. In the control and forwarding layers, ZENIC includes forwarding abstract layer, driver layer, network operating system kernel level, and northern application programming interface. A unified abstraction layer and specific forwarding drive combined with hierarchical control of access and Intranet can solve problems related to access of various devices and complex network control.

[Keywords] software-defined networks; OpenFlow; data center; future network