
发布时间:2013-09-24 作者:唐雄燕,周光涛,朱鹏

[摘要] 提出了一种基于软件定义的弹性智能边缘网络架构,以实现对用户接入和数据接入的灵活调度和智能服务。通过软件定义的边缘设备弹性组网,使得网络具备服务无中断、能力虚拟化、控制集中化等特点,从而为运营商降低网络建设成本、提升服务质量以及增强安全管控能力提供了技术手段。

[关键词] 软件定义网络;网络虚拟化;弹性智能边缘节点

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose anelastic, smart edge-network architecture based on software-defined networking. This architecture allows for intelligent service delivery and flexible scheduling of user access and data access. With this technology, the can be virtualized and centrally controlled. In this way, network construction costs are reduced, there are fewer network interruptions, QoS is improved, and security is strengthened.

[Keywords] software-defined networks; network virtualization; elastic and smart edge