
发布时间:2015-10-28 作者:柯楚,王翔

[摘要] 在M-ICT时代,有线网络需要适应IT与CT融合的技术变革,总体上呈现出“极速、简单、开放”的三大特征:“极速”表现为网络各层次、各部分的全面提速;“简单”体现于网络架构的简单化、网络虚拟化以及网络的智能化;“开放”的目的是为了促进网络业务创新,SDN与NFV是实现网络开放的关键技术,两者间互为补充,最终实现有线网络的互联网化创新环境。

[关键词] 有线网络;接入网;承载网;网络虚拟化;网络功能虚拟化;软件定义网络

[Abstract] In the M-ICT era, with the convergence of IT and CT, “fast, simple and open” are the three characteristics. "Fast" refers to the comprehensive speedup of the network layers and segments; "simple" refers to simplification, virtualization and intelligence of network; "open" refers to drive network service innovation, and software defined network (SDN) and (NFV) are the key technologies. These two technologies complement each other and eventually achieve the innovation environment of wireline network.

[Keywords] wireline network; access network; bearer network; network virtualization; NFV; SDN

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