
发布时间:2015-10-28 作者:李挥,张宇蒙,陈俊

[摘要] 针对分布式容错技术的研究,提出了两点关键要求:降低冗余开销、提高节点修复效率。分析目前主流的容错策略: 复制、纠删码、再生码、基于局部可修复码,并认为这些容错策略存在不同程度的缺陷,因此设计出容错能力、计算效率及存储利用率更高的容错策略,仍是未来很长一段时间内值得深入研究的问题。

[关键词] 大数据;可靠性;分布式存储;容错技术

[Abstract] Two key requirements of fault tolerance technology are proposed in this paper: minimal storage overhead and maximum node recovery performance. Four main strategies for fault tolerance are analyzed: replication, erasure codes, regenerating codes and locally repairable codes. It is considered that these fault tolerance strategies have different defects. Designing a fault tolerance strategy with higher fault tolerance, better computational efficiency and memory utilization will still be a problem needs to be solved in the future.

[Keywords] big data; reliability; distributed storage; fault tolerance technology

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