
发布时间:2015-10-28 作者:张志峰

[摘要] 指出中国移动通信转售业务的开展为电信市场带来了变革:市场竞争者数量迅速增加、业务种类进一步丰富、产品服务多元化、移动用户规模及流向发生变化。认为纵观全球移动通信转售业务产业,移动通信转售业务市场目前生机勃勃;随着移动通信转售业务日趋成熟,移动通信转售业务产业发展、商业模式、产业合作将进一步演变,对通信市场必将产生深远影响。

[关键词] 移动通信转售;产业发展;业务模式;产业合作

[Abstract] The development of China's mobile telecommunication resale service has brought many changes, such as the rapid increase in market players, greater variety of business, and more diverse products, and a different direction for mobile users. Throughout the industry of resale of the world’s mobile communications, market of resale of mobile communications services remains vitality. As the mobile communications resale business matures, the evolution of the development, business model and industry cooperation of reasle of mobile communications business have a profound impact on the communications market.

[Keywords] resale of mobile communication business; industrial development; business model; industrial cooperation

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