
发布时间:2018-09-18 作者:尹芹,吕达

[摘要] 提出虚拟现实(VR)面临的2种技术发展挑战:高带宽、低时延。围绕VR的发展,中兴通讯创新性地提出端到端VR系统方案的技术理念,研发出一系列创新技术用于实现VR业务,例如:低码高清技术、基于视野(FOV)的自适应传输技术、VR电子节目指南(EPG)、VR机顶盒、VR播放器,并基于网络功能虚拟化(NFV)技术构建出云化VR网络架构。这些技术和方案进一步地促进了VR的发展。

[关键词] 低码高清;FOV;基于FOV的自适应传输

[Abstract] In this paper, two kinds of technical development challenges faced by virtual reality (VR) are proposed: high bandwidth and low delay. Focusing on the development of VR, ZTE innovatively proposed the technical concept of an end-to-end VR system solution. A series of innovative technologies were developed to implement VR services, such as low-code high-definition technology and angle of view (FOV)-based adaptation transmission technology, VR electronic program guide (EPG), VR set-top box, VR player, and cloud-based VR network architecture based on network function virtualization (NFV) technology. These technologies and solutions further promote the development of VR.

[Keywords] low-code high-definition; FOV; FOV-based adaptive transmission

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