
发布时间:2018-09-18 作者:尤琰,张东卓,孟晓斌

[摘要] 目前OGC视频直播存在3个问题:现场编导瓶颈,观众被动接收,视频采集局限。在直播平权化潮流下,品牌生产内容(OGC)视频直播需要开创以每位观众个性化体验为中心的新时代,融合快速发展的人工智能(AI)、8K、虚拟现实(VR)、5G、边缘计算、网络切片等技术,实现直播内容的新选择、显示终端上的新呈现、视频采集上的新视角和OGC视频直播新时代的新网络。

[关键词] 视频直播;OGC;边缘计算;8K;虚拟现实;人工智能

[Abstract] There are three challenges on occupationally generated content (OGC) live video broadcasting: limitation of live video broadcasting director, passive watching of the televiewers, and shortage of camera shootings. Under the trend of live video broadcasting democratization, OGC video broadcasting needs to create a new era centered on the individual experience of each audience, integrating the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) 8K, virtual reality (VR) 5G, edge computing, network slicing and other technologies. It realizes the new options of live video broadcasting contents, new presents of display terminals, new perspectives of camera shootings and new network of OGC live video broadcasting in new era.

[Keywords] live video broadcasting; OGC; edge computing; 8K; VR; AI

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