
发布时间:2018-09-18 作者:张华,黄卫平

[摘要] 25 G BiDi光模块、50 G的4级脉幅调制(PAM4)光模块、低成本相干100 G光模块是5G前传、中传、回传网络对光模块需求的几个典型代表。低成本是产业链对5G无线光模块的主要诉求点,规格分级、产业链共享、技术创新、国产化替代是实现低成本的几个主要手段。5G无线光模块的关键技术主要体现在光电子芯片层面,功能的扩展、速率的提升、成本的下降是光电子芯片技术创新的主要抓手。

[关键词] 5G无线光模块;光电子芯片;低成本


[Abstract] 25 G BiDi, 50G 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4), and low-cost coherent 100 G are the typical examples of the transceivers demanded by the 5G wireless front-haul, middle-haul, back-haul networks. Low cost is the primary requirement for the 5G wireless transceiver. Specification classification, utilization of the off-the-shelf components, technology innovations, and made-in-China components are the main means to achieve low cost. The key technologies of the 5G wireless transceiver are all about the optoelectronic chips, and the innovation in optoelectronic chips can be carried by the extension of the functionality, the upgrade of the bandwidth, and the low-cost approach.

[Keywords] 5G wireless transceiver; optoelectronic chip; low cost

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