
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:陈前斌,柴蓉,岑明

[摘要] 认为发展车联网应高度重视车联网标准化工作,特别是加强车载终端及服务的开放性、标准化,以及相关应用的标准制订;应开展车联网关键技术的研发,在终端、通信技术以及服务计算技术方面力争突破技术壁垒;车联网的长期发展还必须与智能车辆技术深度融合,形成车辆(群)乃至整个交通系统的智能化解决方案;应加强产业合作,建立积极有效的合作机制,实现资源高效共享、有机整合;需创新思维,将免费模式与收费模式相结合,将汽车思维与互联网思维相融合,探索新型商业模式。

[关键词] 车联网;车载终端;车间通信;商业模式

[Abstract] For the rapid development of Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the standardization of IoVs should be emphasized. Open functions of on-board terminals and related applications should be standardized, and R&D must be done on key IoV technologies. Technical barriers of OBDs and communication and service computing technologies are expected to be overcome. Deep integration between IoVs and intelligent vehicle technologies is required and intelligent solutions for vehicles (groups) and the whole transportation system is expected. Various industries must also collaborate on IoV. Active and efficient collaboration mechanism should be established for efficient sharing and unification of resources. Innovative thought is required, the combination between free and charging modes and the integration between the thoughts in car field and internet thought are encouraged and new business models should be explored.

[Keywords] Internet of vehicles; on-board terminal; inter-vehicle communication; business model