
发布时间:2015-02-02 作者:张昱,张朝阳

[摘要] 研究了密集小基站网络中的下行放大转发中继传输机制。由于半双工限制,传统中继传输机制会带来一定的频谱效率损失,同时在密集系统中获取全局信道状态信息也较为困难,为此提出了一种分布式乒乓中继传输机制。该机制避免了传统机制的半双工损失,同时也可以有效地解决中继间干扰问题。分析了传统传输机制以及乒乓中继传输机制的可达速率,并且给出了两者在中继数很大时的渐进性能。分析与数值仿真表明该机制相较于传统中继机制可以带来较大性能增益。

[关键词] 密集网络;乒乓中继;放大转发

[Abstract] This paper investigates the downlink transmission through amplify-and-forward relaying in dense small-cell networks. In a conventional relay transmission scheme, spectral efficiency is decreased because of the half-duplex limit. It is difficult to acquire global channel state information for the transmitters and receivers in a dense network. In this paper, we propose a distributed successive relaying scheme that avoids the half-duplex loss and reduces inter-relay interference of the successive relaying. We analyze the achievable rates for both schemes and their asymptotic performances under a very large relay amounts. The experimental results show the comparative advantage of the proposed scheme.experience.

[Keywords] dense network; successive relaying; amplify-and-forward