
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:张万春,崔丽,段晓伟

[摘要] 认为接入速率宽带化、连接对象物联化、网络形态云化、网络运维智能化是无线接入网络的四大发展趋势,同时相应的无线网络产品也将产生射频宽带化、通道阵列化、软件组件化、基站云化等重要变革。指出了5G的商用进展将比预期更快,而其商用的关键在于产业链是否完整,终端将是影响产业链成熟度的关键因素。同提出中兴通讯致力于做5G创新的引领者,在2017年巴塞罗那通信展上已经发布了一系列面向预商用的5G产品和方案。

[关键词] 无线;5G;产品;演进;趋势

[Abstract] In this paper, broadband access data rate, internet of things, cloud networks, intelligent network operation and maintenance are considered as the development trends for wireless access network. Meanwhile, important changes will be made in wireless products, such as broadband radio frequency (RF), arrayed transceiver channels, component-based software, and cloud base stations. The commercial progress of 5G will be faster than expected, and the integrity of industrial chain is the key factor. Moreover, terminals will become the key factor regarding the maturity of 5G ecosystem. ZTE released series pre-commercial 5G products and solutions in MWC 2017, and is aiming to be the leader of 5G innovation.

[Keywords] wireless; 5G; product; evolution; trend

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