
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:肖可鑫,夏斌/,陈智勇

[摘要] 从负载能力、接收机复杂度、编码方式等方面对比了3种典型的非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术,并通过仿真验证了其传输可靠性。仿真结果显示:稀疏编码多址接入(SCMA)具有最好的误码性能,而多用户共享接入(MUSA)和图样分割多址接入(PDMA)的误码性能相似。此外,还指出了NOMA技术的未来研究方向。


[Abstract] In this paper, three dominant non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes are compared, including sparse code multiple access (SCMA), multi-user shared access (MUSA) and pattern division multiple access (PDMA). And the transmission reliability of NOMA schemes are corroborated through the simulation experiments. It shows that SCMA outperforms the other schemes in terms of bit error rate (BER) while MUSA and PDMA achieve almost the same BER results. Moreover, the future research direction of NOMA is also pointed out in the end.


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