
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:尤力,高西奇

[摘要] 认为毫米波大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)无线传输能够拓展利用新频谱资源,深度挖掘空间维度无线资源,大幅提升无线传输速率,是未来无线通信系统最具潜力的研究方向之一。基于毫米波大规模MIMO无线传输基本架构,论述了信道建模、信道信息获取、多用户无线传输及联合资源调配等毫米波大规模MIMO无线传输关键技术。

[关键词] 大规模MIMO;毫米波通信;信道信息;波束赋形

[Abstract] Millimeter wave massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless transmission is a promising technology for future wireless communications as it can expand the use of new spectrum resources, efficiently exploit the space domain wireless resources, and significantly improve the wireless data transmission rate. Based on the millimeter wave massive MIMO architecture, this paper presents a brief overview of the key techniques in millimeter wave massive MIMO wireless communications, including channel modeling, channel information acquisition, multiuser transmissions, and joint resource allocation.

[Keywords] massive MIMO; millimeter wave communications; channel information; beamforming

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