
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:张朝阳

[摘要] 提出5G必须具有面向人、机、物提供大规模差异化接入服务的能力,因此5G大规模接入系统的设计必须综合考虑单点并发用户规模、混合业务支撑能力、接入资源利用效率、端到端接入时延等关键性能指标,并支持正交与非正交混合接入、确定性与非确定性(随机)混合接入、许可与免许可机会接入等重要技术特征。

[关键词] 5G;大规模接入;差异化接入服务

[Abstract] 5G is aimed to provide massive and differentiated access services for human, machine and things. In 5G system design, key performance such as the number of users simultaneously served by a single access point, capability of supporting heterogeneous services, radio resource efficiency and end-to-end delay, should be comprehensively considered. In addition, the 5G system also needs to support hybrid orthogonal/non-orthogonal multiple access, hybrid deterministic/non-deterministic (random) access as well as grant-based/grant-free opportunistic access.

[Keywords] 5G; massive access; differentiated access service

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