
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:唐友喜,李晨兴,邵士海

[摘要] 从网络侧及用户侧两个方面,提出了未来移动通信的终极形态表现形式与功能。认为移动通信走向终极未来的过程也是一个不断标准化的进程,结合当前第5代移动通信(5G)的发展,指出信息灯的基础建设标准化是逼近移动通信终极形态的关键技术,需要重点发展及完善。

[关键词] 移动通信;收敛;信息灯

[Abstract] In this paper, the ultimate form and functions of the future mobile communications are proposed from the perspectives of network side and user side. It is believed that the development of the mobile communications is also a standardisation process. For fifth generation mobile communications(5G), the infrastructure construction standardisation of information lamp is pointed out as the key technology to be developed. In this way, the future mobile communications should be enabled to approach its ultimate form.

[Keywords] mobile communications; convergence; information lamp

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