
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:尹华锐,陈晓辉,卫国

[摘要] 提出了针对海量连接的、免调度和免资源分配的、类有线化的无线接入及资源共享方案。该方案为每一个参与传输的无线终端分配虚拟专用传输信道,终端按需在该虚拟传输信道进行数据传输。基于该方案的无线传输和有线传输仅仅在物理层使用不同介质进行,在此之上的各层可实现协议的统一化,有效降低无线传输的信令开销和相应的时延,降低无线传输的协议复杂度。

[关键词] 无线通信;海量连接;多址接入;虚拟专用信道

[Abstract] In the paper, a novel wired-like strategy for wireless massive connection without scheduling and resource allocation procedure is proposed. The methods allocates a virtual dedicated channel for each terminal, and the terminal can transmit the data packets via its dedicated channel when necessary. The only difference between wired network and wired-like wireless network is transmission media, the protocol of these two class of network can be unified for other layers. Such technique can help us to reduce the signaling cost, transmission latency and the complexity of protocol implementation.

[Keywords] wireless communications; massive connection; multiple access; virtual dedicated channel

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