
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:朱宇,李先驰

[摘要] 针对宽带多天线毫米波系统面临的频率选择性信道衰落和硬件实现约束,提出结合单载波频域均衡技术的数模混合波束赋形算法。以均衡器输出信号的最小均方误差为准则,优化波束赋形矩阵和均衡器的系数。为降低求解复杂度,应用迭代天线阵列训练技术将原始优化问题分解为在基站和用户端的本地优化问题,使需优化的系数通过通信两端的交替迭代处理获得收敛。仿真表明:提出的新算法在误比特率为10-4时较传统算法在信噪比上具有约2 dB的性能增益。

[关键词] 毫米波通信;单载波频域均衡;数模混合波束赋形;迭代天线阵列训练

[Abstract] In order to deal with the effect of frequency selective channel fading and the difficulty of hardware implementation in broadband millimeter wave communication systems with multiple antennas, a joint design of hybrid digital and analog beamforming with single carrier frequency domain equalization is proposed. Based on the criterion of minimizing the mean square error of the equalized signal, the coefficients of the beamforming matrices and equalizer are optimized. To reduce the computational complexity, the iterative antenna-array training technique is applied and the original optimization problem is decomposed into two local optimization problems at the base station and the user equipment, respectively. The coefficients are converged after several alternatively iterative processing at the two communication sides. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a performance gain of about 2 dB in signal to noise ratio over the traditional algorithm at a bit error rate of 10-4.

[Keywords] millimeter wave communication; single carrier frequency domain equalization; hybrid digital and analog beamforming; iterative antenna-array training

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