
发布时间:2018-09-18 作者:朱梅冬,陆建鑫

[摘要] 以太网发展已经进入了200 G/400 G新阶段,4级脉幅调制(PAM4)作为高阶调制技术已经进入多个高速光模块的标准中。无线通信即将进入5G时代,在5G承载网中PAM4调制方式将成为重要的技术方向。对PAM4技术在光通信应用中相关技术及指标做了详细分析,并给出了PAM4系统仿真方案用以指导系统设计及器件规格定义。

[关键词] PAM4;线性;误码率;带宽;判决电平

[Abstract] Ethernet has entered into a new stage of 200 G/400 G development. As a high-order modulation technology, 4-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM4) has been used in the standard of several high-speed optical modules. And PAM4 modulation will become an important technical direction in 5G bearer network. In this paper, the related technologies and specifications of PAM4 technology in the optical communication applications is analyzed in details, and the system simulation scheme of PAM4 is given to guide the system design and device specification definition.

[Keywords] PAM4; linearity; bit error rate (BER); bandwidth; decision level

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